The Manoa Outdoor Circle and Malama Manoa hosted the 1,000 TREE GIVEAWAY on Saturday, April 28, 2018, at Manoa Marketplace.
Over fifty different varieties of trees and plants were shared for FREE, including kukui nut, hao, mountain apple, plumeria, coconut, papaya, false wili wili, avocado, monkey pod, ice cream bean, panax, monstera, valentine vines, kalo, snow bush, stag horn ferns, laua‘e, yellow ginger, red and green ti, and many more!
Thank you to use who attended, those who helped, and to Alexander & Baldwin for providing space for us to give away all those trees. It was a great community event. Look for our next tree giveaway in three years.
Why give away 1,000 trees? “Our urban forest is diminishing day by day,” said Dr. Jeremy Lam, chair of the event. “We hope the community will join us in this small step to increase the shade, diminish the glare, and make our island healthier and more beautiful.”
A few more benefits trees bring to urban areas:
- Well-chosen landscaping increases the value of a property and its desirability. Mature trees enhance a property’s appearance.
- Neighborhoods with tree-shaded streets can be as much as 10 degrees cooler in the summer than nearby neighborhoods that have no shade.
- Air quality is improved. Trees give off oxygen.
- Trees help anchor soil to prevent erosion and reduce sedimentary runoff.
- Trees play an important role in deadening noise and absorbing unwanted sound.
The Manoa Branch of the Outdoor Circle was formed in 2014 and works to keep Hawai‘i clean, green and beautiful. Malama Manoa was founded in January 1992. Its mission is to promote community; to celebrate our cultural diversity and heritage; and to preserve, protect and enhance the special qualities of historic Manoa Valley. More information can be found about these organizations by checking their websites: outdoorcircle.org and malamamanoa.org.