On June 21, 2018, Alexander & Baldwin supported Project Vision’s “Passport to Healthy Aging” program with a $5,000 grant. We first supported Project Vision’s expansion to Maui in 2017. Their “Passport to Healthy Aging” program services the elderly populations who have limited access to health programs. Project Vision supports the Maui elderly by offering free vision screenings to low income or homeless seniors while also providing support towards strength, balance, medications, and home safety.
A&B provides additional, in-kind support through Kahului Trucking & Storage, where the Project Vision bus is stored free of charge. A&B’s Dana Gusman and Kris Kokame traveled to Maui to present the $5,000 grant with Carol Reimann, vice president of A&B Maui, and Michael Mendoza of Kahului Trucking & Storage. The check was presented to Blair Jimenez of Project Vision.
Project Vision not only supports the Maui community but communities statewide. In 2016 A&B Fleet Services on Hawaii Island supported the program in providing free glasses for keiki. Previously, A&B supported Project Vision by providing free storage of their vehicle for six years until permanent storage became available. A&B Fleet Services’ Gene Lyman served as a volunteer driver until the organization could hire its own drivers. To learn more about A&B’s in-kind giving to Project Vision, please refer to the 2016 Review of Giving, “A Culture of Sharing.”